Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess – Capcom Has No Plans for DLC

Capcom, known for its support of many titles with after-release enhancements like Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, and Street Fighter, isn't extending this practice to all of its offerings. The soon-to-launch Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess clearly depicts this alternate approach, with currently no future additions planned.
The producer, Yoshiaki Hirabayashi, confirmed this during an exchange with Automaton Media. He stated categorically that Capcom has no intentions of adding extra content or DLC after the impending action-strategy title's debut.
Although only time can confirm if successful sales might induce Capcom to revise their DLC plans, it's off the table for now. Players can expect an exuberant gaming experience either way; with a main narrative projected to last beyond 20 hours, the game isn't expected to be deficient in content immediately upon its release.
Kunitsu-Gami: Journey of the Divine is set for a launch on 19th of July, supporting a slew of platforms including PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, Xbox One, and PC. A playable trial version is now accessible across all platforms, and the game can also be obtained via Game Pass at its introduction.